The Charter below details the policy of the company,Myrtille Beck Paris in terms of collection of cookies and personal data for the site This Charter applies to all information provided by you or collected during your browsing.

We respect your concerns about the confidentiality of the information you provide us. By doing so, you agree that we may use and, if necessary, transfer your information in order to process your newsletter requests or orders on the Site. Therefore, it is recommended to read this Charter very carefully.


    By using the Site, you may provide us with your personal data, in particular when creating an account, browsing the site, subscribing to a newsletter, placing an order, or simply when subscribing to the newsletter.

    All personal information that you may transmit to us is subject to the provisions of Law No. 78-17 Informatique et Libertés of 6 January 1978 as amended and to European regulations on the protection of personal data. (RGPD)

    In addition, the company,Myrtille Beck Paris may collect certain information relating to your browsing on the Site. This collection is carried out under the conditions described in the article "Cookies" of the present Charter.


      Owner: SAS Myrtille Beck, Paris, a company with a capital of 10,000 euros.

      Registered office: 20 Rue Henry Monnier, 75009, Paris.

      Telephone: 01-40-23-99-84

      Identification number: 509 311 809 R.C.S. Paris

      SIRET: 509 311 809 00024

      Intra-community VAT N°: FR 72 509 311 809

      Head of publication : Myrtille BeckParis, France

      Webmaster (2010) : H-Works Agency,119 rue de Paris 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt Tel : +33 (0)9 52 47 56 31

      Host: 63-65 boulevard Massena Paris (75013) FRANCE

      Photo credits: Myrtille Beck- Céline Chhuon - Florence Jamart - Chloé Lapeyssonnie - Gwenaëlle Dautricourt

      Content publications: Myrtille Beck- Julie Lamandé


       3.1 Purpose of data collection

       The site collects and processes only the personal data necessary for customer relationship management, order tracking, deliveries, invoicing, customer contact management, complaints and after-sales service, electronic communications, newsletters.

      In order for us to collect this information, the purpose of the requests is clearly indicated and the processing is carried out, depending on the context in which they are collected:

      • With your consent
      • And/or in the context of our contractual relations, in particular a purchase
      • A legal obligation

       3.2 Data collected

       The data collected are as follows:

      • Your identity
      • Your contact details
      • Your purchases (in store and online)
      • Your online journey
      • Your exchanges via contact

       3.3 Data recipient

      All personal data collected on the Site are intended for the company,Myrtille Beck Paris.

       3.4 Data transfers abroad

      As some of the recipients of your data are located abroad, their transfer outside the European Economic Area (EEA) is carried out subject to appropriate guarantees, in particular contractual guarantees, in accordance with the applicable regulations on the protection of personal data.

      Particular care is taken to contract our services with our suppliers and any third party companies in order to protect your data, in accordance with the regulations in force, when the latter are processed outside the EEA.

       3.5 Data security and confidentiality

      The company,Myrtille Beck Paris has taken the necessary steps to implement all technical measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of the personal data processed and to prevent it from being corrupted or accessed by a third party without authorization. However, as the company ,Myrtille Beck Paris does not master all information systems technologies, it draws visitors' attention to the existence of possible risks.

      If necessary, the company,Myrtille Beck Paris will notify you, within the legal time limits, of any violations of personal data and will also notify the competent supervisory authority for the protection of personal data of the violations observed.

      4. USE OF DATA

        The company,Myrtille Beck Paris will not transfer or sell your personal data to non-affiliated and non-partner third parties unless it has previously informed you and you have expressly given your consent or as required by law.

        5. SHOPIFY

          The online shop Myrtille Beck Paris is hosted on Shopify Inc. They provide the e-commerce platform that allows the online store to Myrtille Beck Paris to sell you its services and products.

          Your data is stored in Shopify's data storage system and databases, and in Shopify's general application. Your data is stored on a secure server protected by a firewall.


          If you make your purchase through a direct payment gateway, Shopify will store your credit card information. This information is encrypted in accordance with the data security standard established by the payment card industry (PCI-DSS standard). Information relating to your purchase transaction is kept as long as necessary to complete your order. Once your order is finalized, the information related to the purchase transaction is deleted.

          All direct payment gateways comply with the PCI-DSS standard, managed by the PCI Security Standards Council, which is the result of a joint effort by companies such as Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover.

          The requirements of the PCI-DSS standard ensure the secure processing of credit card data by our shop and its service providers.

          For more information, please consult Shopify's Terms of Use here or the Privacy Policy here.

          6. RIGHTS EXERCISE

            You can access your personal data or request their deletion. You also have a right of opposition, a right of rectification and a right to limit the processing of your data.

            You can exercise these rights by contacting:

            Myrtille BeckParis
            20 Rue Henry Monnier

            75009, Paris 

            Tel :

            Or by email to contact (@)

            7. COOKIES

              The company,Myrtille Beck Paris is particularly attentive to its customers, which is why it uses cookies to identify you, for example, to access your account, store your consultations, manage your order basket and personalize the offers it offers you.

              These cookies are issued by the site in order to facilitate your navigation.

                7.1 What is a cookie?

              A cookie is a small text file placed on your computer, mobile or tablet when you visit a site or view an advertisement.

              The purpose of these files is in particular to collect information relating to your browsing on the sites and to send you personalised services.

              Cookies can only be viewed or modified by their issuer.

              There are several types of cookies.

                7.2 Functional cookies, which are essential for the use of the site.

              They allow you to use the main features of the site such as purchasing products or accessing your account for example.

              By disabling the use of these cookies, you will no longer be able to use these features.

                7.3 Site performance cookies

              Performance cookies allow the website to be optimised and to target any technical problems you may encounter.

              They also collect information about how you navigate the site.

              The information stored may not be used for commercial purposes.

                7.4 Cookies and machine identifiers for the purpose of securing transactions

              When you order on the site, the company,Myrtille Beck Paris or its service providers acting on its behalf, may deposit cookies or collect information relating to your terminal, in particular the information necessary for the recognition of equipment (computer, tablet or mobile phone) in order to allow the identification of your equipment and to secure transactions (prevention of fraud risks).

              Cookies or machine identifiers are used in this case. You are informed of this collection of information relating to your terminal to constitute a machine identifier by a banner as soon as you arrive on the site. By continuing your purchases on our site without setting up the collection of your machine IDs, you agree to the collection of this information and the creation of the ID.

                7.5 Details of the cookies used

              Here is a list of cookies that we use. We have listed them here so that you can choose whether or not you want to allow them.

              Session_id, a unique session identifier, allows Shopify to store information about your session (referrer, landing page, etc.).

              _shopify_visit, no data retained, persists for 30 minutes since the last visit. Used by our website supplier's internal statistics tracking system to record the number of visits.

              _shopify_uniq, no data retained, expires at midnight (depending on the visitor's location) the following day. Calculates the number of visits to a shop per single customer.

              cart, unique identifier, persists for 2 weeks, stores information related to your shopping cart.

              _secure_session_id, unique session identifier

              storefront_digest, unique identifier, indefinite if the shop has a password, it is used to know if the current visitor has access.


                7.6 Accept or refuse cookies, make your choice, manage your preferences.

              You can choose to disable cookies at any time.

              Your browser can be set to notify you when cookies are stored on your computer and ask you whether or not to accept them.

              You can accept or reject cookies on a case-by-case basis or systematically reject them once and for all.

              We remind you that the settings may change your access conditions to our services requiring the use of cookies.

              If your browser is configured to refuse all cookies, you will not be able to make purchases or enjoy essential features of our site, such as storing items in your shopping cart or receiving personalized recommendations. In order to manage cookies as close as possible to your expectations, we invite you to configure your browser to take into account the purpose of cookies as mentioned above.

              Here's how to control or prevent the recording of cookies:

              The configuration of each browser is different. It is described in the help menu of your browser, which will allow you to find out how to change your cookie preferences. Here is a non-exhaustive list of help links on cookies in the main browsers:

              Internet Explorer





              Google Chrome





                7.7 For more information

               The CNIL website is here: